Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20th - Day Three

Practicum Day Three
site: City Centre branch
hours worked: 4
hours to date: 18

A short day today. I reviewed the award winning Storytime training manual written by super Children's Reference Librarian, Erika. There is a quote on the first page that I am going to steal and put here:
"I often remind myself of the purpose of storytime: to introduce the pleasure of stories, to inspire excitement about learning to read, and to provide access to the world of books and ideas. What children gain is what we all gain from reading stories: entertainment and diversion, vicarious experience, and information."
Cobb, Jane, comp. 1996. I’m a little teapot! Presenting preschool storytime.
Vancouver: Black Sheep Press

Apart from the love of reading, early literacy plays an important role in storytime planning. There are a lot of similar elements to storytime that I am familiar with: welcome songs, stories, fingerplays, and music. What is cool about this manual is the explanation for the inclusion of the elements. For instance, we add music and movement not only to be inclusive of various learning styles, but to develop these senses in each child in the audience. I also met with Anna, the Children's Librarian at the Epsom branch. She invited me to observe the storytimes at her branch. There are two unique styles. One is that storytime is presented by two people, the other is their Play Dads program geared at male caregivers. Very cool.

I continued working with the super Children's Reference Librarian, Erika, who also happens to be the super Online Reference Librarian when she logs into Any Questions?. This is an online homework service that operates M-F, 1-6pm. It's nationwide for patrons up to 18 years old. The interesting part is that they consider it part of their mission to teach information literacy. For instance, instead of just finding a website with relevant information, they tend to guide the student to google, then do a shared-view search and explain which hits will be the best.

Speaking of youth library services, I am so intrigued that Auckland City Libraries offers multiple card types, including a few options for youth. If you are under 18, your parents can co-sign for a card that lets you borrow up to 35 items. If they can't or won't sign, you can still get a card that allows you to borrow 5 items at a time. Parents can also opt for this restriction (in fact it's called Under 18 Restricted card) if they wish. But I think it's so amazing that the library takes service to youth so seriously that it will forgo, with a limit, the need for a financial guarantee in order to really provide everyone with access to information.

in the staff room
hot chocolates today: 1
hot chocolates to date: 4

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