site: City center, Parnell branch
hours today: 3
hours to date: 83
Today was, yet again, a wonderful storytime. This time was all about birds. I'm not really a bird man (legal or otherwise) but I have marvelled at the birds here in New Zealand. I think that I'm so used to pidgeons and sparrows that birds seeing colorful birds around town like the pukeko (left) or tui (above) are really exciting. New Zealand has no indigenous mammals, except some bats who got really lost, and it seems like in their absence birds had a chance to flourish. Of course there is the cute li'l kiwi and the ominous moa, too, both examples of flightless birds. Watch out for that ominous moa, tourists!
Anyway, so storytime was about birds and the weirdest flightless bird of all was the storytime bird who came to read stories like Time for Bed Little Kiwi, a fun lift-the-flap that searches all of Little Kiwi's hiding spots only to find them taken up by other native birds. It was fun to put in out right and left wings when we did the hokey-pokey.
Afterwards, I rode around to the Parnell community library just to explore a little bit. It's a very cozy branch in a heritage building with endows it with stately architecture but restricts the space it occupies. This building is very close to downtown and the museum (where I saw the moa!) and is heavily trafficked. I met with Jan and Lynn, two of the librarians. They gave me some feedback about the effects of the merger for a small branch. Apart from the nearly ubiquitous increase in circulation, holds and returns, there is also a sharp increase in new registrations for library cards. Jan told me that the people signing up seem to be those who work in the Parnell area, but live elsewhere. With the merger, they don't have to choose between waiting until the weekend to use the library or pay fees, now it's more convenient for them to stop by at lunch or after work. An interesting benefit of the merger.
Afterwards, I rode around to the Parnell community library just to explore a little bit. It's a very cozy branch in a heritage building with endows it with stately architecture but restricts the space it occupies. This building is very close to downtown and the museum (where I saw the moa!) and is heavily trafficked. I met with Jan and Lynn, two of the librarians. They gave me some feedback about the effects of the merger for a small branch. Apart from the nearly ubiquitous increase in circulation, holds and returns, there is also a sharp increase in new registrations for library cards. Jan told me that the people signing up seem to be those who work in the Parnell area, but live elsewhere. With the merger, they don't have to choose between waiting until the weekend to use the library or pay fees, now it's more convenient for them to stop by at lunch or after work. An interesting benefit of the merger.
in the staff room
hot chocolates today: 1 storytime prep chocolate
hot chocolates to date: 19
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